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At the moment we are working on a number of funded projects as outlined below.
Communities for Nature- Jack and Albert River Restoration Project The largest of the current projects in the JARR area, this project aims to:
This four year project is to be completed in 2015/16 and works strategically throughout the catchment. It involves many partner organisations working collaboratively to achieve our objectives. This includes the Wellington Shire spraying roadside blackberries in areas where we are spraying private land; the local schools being involved in tree planting events; private landholders agreeing to fence off remnant vegetation and Landcare groups supporting events and activities. Corner Inlet Connections - Fox Control The area where the Albert River enters the ocean is a vital breeding, feeding and nesting area for many coastal birds including many migratory birds protected under the Ramsar Convention. This area is a mix of farm land, coastal fringe and islands. The project seeks to protect the birds from fox predation by encouraging greater levels of fox control on the farmland. Corner Inlet Connections - Salt Marsh Protection Great work has been achieved by YYLN in protecting and enhancing the saltmarsh adjacent to Nooramunga and Corner Inlet. This project will continue that work by fencing off salt marsh and mangrove communities to protect them from grazing. It will enhance the quality of those areas by undertaking weed control and supplementary plantings where needed. The saltmarsh is vital habitat for shore birds protected under the Ramsar Convention as well as feeding and breeding grounds for all sorts of marine and coastal species from fish to crabs to the orange-bellied parrot. Communities for Nature - Salt Marsh Protection Similar in objectives to the project above, this small grant will protect an area of saltmarsh adjacent to the Port Albert township and work with the Yarram Secondary School to build and install nest boxes on site. Communities for Nature - Farm Dams - Crying Out For Wildlife This new project about to get underway will feature three demonstration sites to showcase what can be done to create habitat and improve the biodiversity of farm dams. Victorian Landcare Grants - Waging War on Weeds This project is nearing completion and includes supporting the Southern Gippsland community weeds taskforce, holding a field day on blackberry control and working with private landholders to control weeds. A weed control calendar is being produced and will be distributed to all landholders in the near future. Communities for Nature - Friends of the Binginwarri Biodiversity Blueprint This project was successful in getting $50K to deliver the Billy Creek Wetlands Revival project. It aims to restore and protect valuable wetland areas covering seven hectares adjacent to Billy Creek, a small tributary within the JARR. Remnant vegetation will be protected through fencing to exclude stock, removal of Weeds of National Significance (WoNS) and wetland revegetation. The proposed project will partner with the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority who will do complimentary works along Billy Creek, particularly willow removal. It will help achieve the JARR Biodiversity Blueprint goal of connectivity between the Hedley Range and the Strzelecki Ranges. Wellington Community Assistance Grants Partnering with the Port Albert Yacht Club, this grant will remove weeds on the foreshore at Port Albert and replant the area with local native plants. Alberton Primary School will also be involved in this project. |